DMC Supports Groundbreaking Efforts

Data Machines Corp. (DMC) is excited to be supporting Charles River Analytics in this groundbreaking effort. As a transformative engineering company with a deep history with DARPA, DMC is providing simulation engineering, integration, and deployment solutions tailored to complement CRA's cutting-edge AI solutions.

DMC is the only research-focused, white-label, self-funded data analytics company tackling highly complex and uncertain problems related to research in computer cognition. Our portfolio includes:

· Breakthrough data and device capabilities

· Cloud federated computing

· Next generation AI/ML deployment Innovative

· Cloud (yours / theirs) development

· Advanced modeling and simulation

· Cyber adaptation and dominance

We strive to improve the world by developing technologies to enable data-driven decision making and incite transformational change in the world of defense, security, and beyond. We accomplish these goals based around a system of core values including integrity, diversity and inclusion, corporate citizenship and an overall drive to do what is right. We always strive to maintain the highest ethical standards and embrace diversity within our company and community.

You can find more details about the effort here:


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