DMC Deploys Production-Grade Cluster Using Azure Kubernetes Service

Data Machines Corp. (DMC) recently completed an Impact Level 2 (IL2), production-grade cluster orchestration deployment using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) on behalf of a Department of Defense customer.

This project represents yet another win in our portfolio of deploying sensitive government cloud solutions. We’re fantastic at Kubernetes and are fortunate to have the opportunity to bring that expertise to a government customer who was looking to deploy to an IL2 Azure cloud environment,” said Matt Quinn, CEO of DMC.

Important to this effort was addressing the many security protocols and concerns. We designed security perimeters and policies with hardened measures in mind, so that non-authorized access is prohibited, data is secure, and inter-cluster communication is encrypted. DMC does AKS by providing Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), leveraging tools such as Terraform, Helm, and Flux for GitOps integration, to ensure repeatable, auditable, and secure solutions for infrastructure deployments.

“Delivering secure and stable cloud-based tools is absolutely critical to the DoD. These types of deployments are where our team excels and I am proud of the work we accomplished here,”  said Burt Thompson, President of DMC and retired U.S. Army Brigadier General.

By using a code-based approach, DMC’s AKS IaaS solution is fully automated. This means teams no longer have to provision, deploy, and link resources in Azure manually through a User Portal, or by following ever-changing checklists; which invite human error, are time consuming, and can be impractical in cases of high-frequency cluster rebuilds. DMC’s IaaS solution ensures deployments are securely created the same, every time, and can be integrated with your current repository host to ensure versioning, testing, upgrades, and rollbacks can all be managed by automated services.

“When the mission demands high reliability with production grade quality, the ability to test and rollback changes on the fly is critical to minimizing service disruptions for the end user. Our solutions ensure development teams can execute at a high tempo without sacrificing security or service availability,” said Matthew Brandeburg, Director of Azure Cloud Engagements.

DMC’s use of Kubernetes leveraged responsive object stores to ensure that when services go down or need to be scaled up, replicas are ready to come online and handle traffic. Replica responses are dynamic, intelligently scaling based on demand and automated, responding to system health and status checks without user intervention. Our IaaS solution means when you need to migrate containerized services to the cloud, they are deployed in consistent, predictable, and reliable patterns to maximize system uptime and resilience. By leveraging well documented and tested Open Source technologies such as Terraform and Helm, our IaaS solution will always be ready for updates, or support new services and their dependencies. AKS IaaS means our customers will be able to continue development after day one without having to redesign at each change, fix, or sprint completion. 

DMC is always on the hunt for new and great clients. Please don’t hesitate to reach out If your organization is interested in learning more about our AKS IaaS solution.


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